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Peanut Lake Aeration in Progress - Beware of Thin Ice & Open Water

Peanut Lake Aeration in Progress - Beware of Thin Ice & Open Water Peanut Lake

County of Barrhead, in collaboration with Alberta Conservation Association, Alberta Environment & Parks, and Fortis, is proud to support lake aeration activities at Peanut Lake commencing in October.

Aeration enhances fish habitat to increase the survivability of fish populations over winter.

In addition, this technique aims to provide Albertans with diverse recreational angling opportunities in areas, such as Peanut Lake, where such opportunities would be otherwise limited.

Watch this video featuring Michael Short of Let's Go Outdoors!


Please be aware of thin ice and open water. 
It is highly recommended to stay off of the ice.


 Peanut Lake Peanut Lake Fence