Strategic Plan Report Card, 2018 - 2021

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2018 - 2021Strat Plan Report Card
Strategic Plan Report Card 
In 2018, County of Barrhead kicked off their four year strategic plan for the period of 2018 - 2021.  The Strategic Plan became the overarching direction for the County. It serves as a compass and sets the focus and goals of Council and Staff until the end of year 2021. 
Detailed reviews of our accomplishments are covered in the Strategic Plan Report Card. This Strategic Plan Report Card highlights the progress that has been made in achieving our goals and lists priority actions that align with the County's vision, mission and values.
Additionally, the Strategic Report Card highlights a selection of key accomplishments as well as opportunities we are still working on which are organized under the County's four strategic priorities: 
  1.  Agriculture & Environment 
  2.  Resource Management 
  3.  Governance 
  4.  Economic & Community Development
Throughout this Strategic Report Card, it showcases how the County of Barrhead has coordinated, led and collaborated with other governments, community partners, the public and service providers to make the County of Barrhead a better place to live, work and play. 
To view the 2018 - 2021 Strategic Plan Report Card, click here