Public Engagement: Budgets

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2021 Budget Survey
Every year, the annual budget is established to provide a foundation for the County of Barrhead to meet the service and infrastructure needs of residents.  The budget determines spending priorities and levels of service delivery for residents.  
Have your say! 
The County welcomes public input on the municipal budget!  Each year, the County seeks public feedback to help inform Council's decisions on the annual budgets. We would love to hear about your usage of County services, priorities for municipal spending, considerations for balancing the budget, and much more!
Budget Survey:
August 12-30, 2024
Make your voice heard through the annual budget survey.  This public survey will be available online after August 12, 2024, with paper copies also available at the County office.  Stay tuned for more details!   

Budget Open House: 
August 27 & 28, 2024 
Visit the County office between 9:00am and 4:00pm to view information on the 2025 Budgets, provide feedback, and chat with staff & elected officials!

Survey Results are In
Public Engagement Results 
"What We Heard" about the 2024 Budget
Public engagement on the 2024 budget took place in August-September 2023. The County of Barrhead thanks everyone for participating!
Review the 2024 Budget Public Engagement "What We Heard" Report to see what County ratepayers have to say!