Local Resources
- Barrhead & District FCSS
- Barrhead FCSS acts at the primary coordinator of settlement services in the Barrhead Community
- If you're a newcomer to our community, Barrhead FCSS has a welcome package ready for you to pick up! This includes info on community programs, coupons to local stores, gifts, contacts, and more!
- Just drop by the FCSS Office during business hours and let them know you are a newcomer to Barrhead!
- Barrhead Community Adult Learning
- Provides education and workshops on a variety of topics, including English language, technology, employment, and other skill building courses.
Provincial Resources
- Opportunity Alberta
- Learn how to make Alberta your new home. Find helpful pre-arrival services here.
- Alberta Advantage Immigration Program
- Runs the Rural Renewal immigration stream, and nominates individuals for permanent residence in Alberta.
Federal Resources
- Canadian Newcomer Services
- Central online hub for newcomer support services in Canada; find local services near you!
- Welcome to Canada
- What to do before and after you arrive in Canada.
- Living in Canada Guide
- Fill out a short questionnaire about your current situation, and get advice on what you need to settle in a community.
- Permanent Resident Services
- Information on permanent residency, how to apply, and what's involved.