Newcomer Supports & Services

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County of Barrhead is committed to providing newcomers with access to the information & supports they need to prosper in Canada.  Local, provincial, and federal resources will be used to ease the transition to our community.
Local Resources 
  • Barrhead & District FCSS
    • Barrhead FCSS acts at the primary coordinator of settlement services in the Barrhead Community
    • If you're a newcomer to our community, Barrhead FCSS has a welcome package ready for you to pick up! This includes info on community programs, coupons to local stores, gifts, contacts, and more!  
      • Just drop by the FCSS Office during business hours and let them know you are a newcomer to Barrhead!
  • Barrhead Community Adult Learning
    • Provides education and workshops on a variety of topics, including English language, technology, employment, and other skill building courses.  
Provincial Resources
Federal Resources