Intermunicipal Collaboration (IDP & ICF)

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Intermunicipal Development Plans
An Intermunicipal Development Plan (IDP) is a high level plan created by neighboring municipalities. An IDP is designed to foster cooperation and integrated development near the municipal boundaries to ensure that unnecessary costs and negative impacts to the municipalities are avoided. The principles and objectives established in the IDP guide the future growth of development by identifying locations for land uses and services that connect the municipalities. In addition to guiding future growth, if there is a disagreement between municipalities on development, IDP's provide a framework for dispute resolution.   
County of Barrhead has approved an IDP with the following municipalities:

 inter municipal

Intermunicipal Collaboration Frameworks 
An Intermunicipal Collaboration Framework (ICF) and formalizes existing collaborative work between adjacent municipalities and provides a forum to work together.  The primary goal of an ICF is to ensure neighboring municipalities work together regarding service delivery to residents in an efficient and cost effective manner. 
County of Barrhead has approved an ICF with the following municipalities: