NOTE: Empty pesticide & fertilizer jugs (under 23L) are no longer accepted at the Barrhead Regional Landfill. These materials should now be returned to your local ag retailer. Expand the first option below for more information.
Farmers and producers in the Barrhead region can recycle various agricultural plastics through CleanFarms programs like the Alberta Ag-Plastic Recycle it! Program. Cleanfarms is a non-profit environmental stewardship organization that strives to offer tangible ways to address agricultural waste management in the community.
Why recycle?
Over the years, agricultural plastics have often been disposed of on-farm or in landfills. Recycling ag plastics ensures that these materials are disposed of properly and sustainably. Recycling is increasingly available in Alberta, and is vital to ensuring that our environment and farms remain healthy for years to come.
For more information on ag plastic recycling and collection locations throughout Alberta, visit the CleanFarms Recycling Map!
County of Barrhead farmers & residents can recycle twine, grain bags, and pesticide & fertilizer jugs. Expand the options below for more information on recyclable ag plastics, collection site locations, and more!
Pesticide & Fertilizer Jugs (up to 23L)
New Changes:
Empty pesticide & fertilizer jugs (up to 23L) should now be returned to your local ag retailer. Call your ag retailer to confirm when and where to return your empty jugs. The historical collection site at the Barrhead Regional Landfill is now discontinued and will no longer accept these materials.
Keep up-to-date on the small container collection transition by visiting cleanfarms.ca/mb-ab-jug-transition/.

How does this work for growers?
- Rinse & remove
- Use chemical handler, triple rinse, or pressure rinse
- Remove paper booklets, and discard
- Fill bag & close
- Place rinsed containers in bag and securely close
- Only one material type per bag (i.e., jugs)
- Seed Treatment Containers:
- Caps are to remain securely ON
- Place in a separate collection bag (note: this is preferred for collection at municipal sites and required at retail sites. It also makes it easier for storage & transportation)
- Return for recycling
- Check with your local ag retailer to see when & where to return empty jugs
Grain Bags

- Shake - Remove debris; grain bags must be as clean as possible. Take care to remove as much organic material (spoilage, dirt, etc.) as possible before or during rolling. Excessively dirty or loose/unrolled bags may be rejected, subject to a landfill tipping fee or additional charges at drop off.
- Roll - Prepare grain bags by rolling and tying with twine. Contact the County of Barrhead to rent our grain bag roller and instructions on how to use the machine.
- Return - Please contact the County of Barrhead to make an appointment to drop off material.
Collection Site:
Rolled grain bags are accepted at the County of Barrhead Agriculture Services yard. Call 780-674-3331 to make an appointment for drop off.
Not Accepted Materials:
- Unrolled or loosely rolled grain bags
- Silage films, silage bags, or silage tarps
- All other bags

Out of all ag-plastics, baler twine is on of the easiest to overlook when it comes to recycling. In the County of Barrhead, a pilot from Alberta Ag-Plastic Tecycle It! is underway. Collected baler twine is sent to recycling facilities in Canada and the U.S., where it is turned into pellets to be used in the production of new materials. Twine is made of polypropylene, which is a plastic that can be easily remanufactured into new products such as car parts, dimensional lumber, flowerpots and composite decking.
- Shake - Remove as much debris, snow or ice as possible. Excessively dirty twine may be rejected, subject to a landfill tipping fee, or additional charges at drop off.
- Bag - Place loose twine in a collection bag and close securely. Cleanfarms recycling bags are available at the collection sites and at the County of Barrhead Administration Office. Seed bags or bulk totes can be used to collect twine, however please note that the bag will be inspected to ensure that only twine is brought to the collection site.
- Return - Please contact the County of Barrhead and make an appointment to drop off material.
Bagged twine is accepted at the County of Barrhead Agricultural Services yard. Call 780-674-3331 to make an appointment for drop-off.
Not Accepted Materials:
- Netting or net wrap
- Bale wrap or silage wrap