How often are roads graded?
Each grader beat contains approximately 122 miles of roadway, and grading times can vary greatly depending on the weather. During the summer, graders typically cover all roadways within 2-3 weeks, with high traffic roads taking priority.
How often are roads graveled?
Roadways are typically graveled every 3-4 years, but priority may change based on road inspections and input from operators and the public. High traffic roads are usually graveled more frequently, while field access roads and low traffic roadways are graveled less frequently. The County will also carry out roadway patching on sections of roadway that are in a deteriorated condition.
How do washboard roads occur?
Washboards form on gravel roads when lack of moisture combines with acceleration and deceleration of vehicles. For this reason, washboard can be more prevalent near road intersections. Sandy road conditions are also more prone to washboard. Moisture conditions must be optimum to allow the grader operator to cut out the washboard during normal grading.
Why is the grader high blading?
At times, graders need to high blade to the areas that they are working in. The grader may blade rough portions of the roadway and not the remainder of the road.

When can I expect my road to be cleared of snow?
Paved municipal roadways are typically cleared 1-2 days following snowfall, while graveled municipal roadways are typically cleared 3-5 days following snowfall. Snow clearing timelines are dependent on amount of snow and weather conditions.
Public Works asks residents to be cautious when removing snow from private driveways and yards. It is important that driveway snow is not pushed across public roads. Instead, snow should always be kept on private property. Pushing snow across public roadways creates hazards that could result in vehicle damage or bodily harm. County of Barrhead also offers a snowplow flag service to clear personal driveways after a snowfall.
Will the County clear the snow windrow at the end of my driveway?
Equipment may leave windrows across approaches to private property. While operators try to minimize them, the County will not remove windrows or plow approaches.
When does the County sand/salt roads?
Road salt is used to remove ice from paved road surfaces. Salt starts to lose effectiveness at -12°C and is completely ineffective at -20°C. The County does not typically salt oiled roads as the salt will cause the oil to weaken. At times, oiled roads may be sanded.
Road sand is used to improve traction on all road surfaces. Sanding does take place on hills, curves, intersections, oiled roads, hamlets and subdivisions. Gravel roads are typically bladed with Sandvik blades to break up the ice on the road surface.
Road Allowances
Can I put signs in the road allowance?
County has care and control of all municipal roadways & road allowances (developed or undeveloped). Therefore, permission must be granted by the County to install any permanent signage within the road allowance.
Can I ditch in the road allowance?
While the County strives to ensure that road ditches allow water to flow unimpeded, we are mandated to maintain natural water flow as much as possible. The County does not allow unauthorized ditching within the road allowance. However, if a ditching project is beneficial, permission may be granted in some cases. The County will only grant permission following a site visit and a detailed proposal with potential planned survey control, if deemed necessary. Contact the Public Works office with any ditching concerns or proposals.