Agriculture Service Board (ASB)
- Acting as an advisory body to County Council and the Minister of Agriculture and Forestry,
- Advising on and organizing weed and pest control, as well as soil and water conservation programs,
- Assisting in control of livestock disease under the Livestock Diseases Act,
- Promoting, enhancing and protecting sustainable agriculture with the goal of improving the economic viability of agricultural producers,
- Promoting and developing agricultural policies to meet the needs of the municipality.
Council Members
Serving this Board:
Deputy Reeve Marvin Schatz
Councillor Walter Preugschas
Councillor Jared Stoik |
Members at Large: Valerie Ehrenholz
Grace Huisman
Margaret Gentry-Burton
Lorrie Jespersen |
Agricultural Pests Appeal Committee
ALUS Partnership Advisory Committee (PAC)
Athabasca Watershed Council (AWC)
Barrhead Attraction & Retention Committee
The purpose of the Barrhead Attraction & Retention Committee is to build a sustainable system for physician attraction and retention in collaboration with local physicians which will ensure ongoing physician services to the community.
- Coordinating attraction and retention of physicians amongst existing physicians, Alberta Health Services, and the community
- Facilitating community involvement in the attraction and retention process, together with physicians and Alberta Health Services
- Reducing the need for recruitment through retention efforts
- Integration into the medical practice
- Family integration into the community
- Family quality of life interests
Barrhead & Area Regional Crime Coalition (BARCC)
Barrhead & District Agricultural Society
The Ag Society's mission is to encourage improvement in agriculture and improve quality of life of those living in an agricultural community by developing programs, services and facilities based on needs of the agricultural community.
The Society's objectives are:
- to sponsor meetings and short courses on agricultural and related subjects.
- to sponsor an exhibition at which prizes will be awarded in agricultural, horticultural and/or bench show classes, etc.
- to assist in the development of leadership in our community through sponsoring and encouraging 4-H clubs and by sponsoring leadership development workshops.
- to provide an opportunity for local producers to display and market products through sponsoring a Farmers' market.
- to improve the quality of life in our community by sponsoring or supporting cultural and recreational events.
- to be aware of changing needs of people in our community and to adjust our programs to accommodate change and encourage other community resources to do the same.
- to support and cooperate with other community groups involved in programs for the betterment of the community.
- to sell, manage, lease, dispose of or otherwise deal with property of the Society within the limits of the Agricultural Societies Act.
Members of Council Serving this Society:
Councillor Bill Lane
Councillor Paul Properzi (alternate)
Barrhead & District Chamber of Commerce
- Barrhead Street Festival
- Light Up and Santa Claus Parade
- Rodeo Luncheon
- Christmas Decorating and Gingerbread contests
- more activities as required
Barrhead & District Family and Community Support Services Society (FCSS)
Barrhead & District Social Housing Association
- To effectively and efficiently provide the highest standard of accommodation for residents and tenants while promoting their wellness and independence.
- To provide opportunities for their participation in leisure, recreation and social activities which foster their continued involvement in family and community life.
- To take a leading role in planning and developing social housing projects in our community as the need arises and the resources become available.
- To provide and plan preventative maintenance services, which shall ensure a safe, clean, structurally sound and efficiently operated buildings for our residents.
- To provide food services which meet the daily dietary needs of the residents with tasty, aesthetically pleasing and enjoyable meals, served in a clean and informal dining atmosphere.
- To provide housekeeping services, which ensure a high standard of hygiene and minimize maintenance cost in residents rooms and common areas of the lodge.
- To provide a high level of safety operation of all safety features and equipment, thorough training of employees and residents in safety procedures.
- To assist and coordinate personal and health care services to the residents, maintaining their health and independence through preventive personal care.
- To promote the education and continued learning of the employees as they are our most important asset.
- To be consistent with related provincial and federal regulations.
Barrhead & District Twinning Committee
- Support and promote twinning relationships with other parts of the world as supported by the Province of Alberta.
- Inform the Town and County Councils, the School Board and the Chamber of Commerce on matters relating to twinning activities.
- Encourage involvement of the community in any twinning projects and activities.
- Travel arrangements for incoming or outgoing delegations.
- Itinerary and activity planning for incoming or outgoing delegations
- Gifts for incoming or outgoing delegates.
- Coordinate delegation home-stays.
- Meeting expenses.
- Advertising expenses.
- Assist the community with Twinning inquiries.
Barrhead District Seed Cleaning Co-Op Ltd.
Barrhead Fire Services Committee
- Review an recommend policies and procedures for the efficient operations of the Barrhead Regional Fire Services and the Emergency Response Center to the Council of both parties annually for approval.
- Provide direction to the Unit of Authority regarding operations.
- Recommend annual capital and operating budgets for the Barrhead Regional Fire Services and the Emergency Response Centre to the Council of both parties for approval.
- Review and receive reports from the Fire Chief and the Unit of Authority on the operations of the Barrhead Regional Fire Services and the Emergency Response Centre.
- Review and make recommendations to the Unit of Authority on the job description and duties of the Fire Chief and Deputy Fire Chief positions.
- Make recommendations to the Unit of Authority in the appointment and terms of employment for the Fire Chief, and
- Comply with the provision of the Bylaws of each party thereto.
Members of Council
Serving this Committee:
Deputy Reeve Marvin Schatz
Councillor Paul Properzi
Councillor Ron Kleinfeldt (Alternate) |
Members at Large: Ivan Kusal |
Barrhead Johnson Airport Committee
- Ongoing maintenance and service levels,
- Operating and Capital Budgets, and
- Upgrades and developments.
Members of Council
Serving this Committee: Deputy Reeve Marvin Schatz
Councillor Bill Lane |
Barrhead Flying
Club Representatives: Wade Evans
Pete Stupniski |
Barrhead Regional Landfill Committee
- set rules and regulations for operations of the landfill,
- authorize hiring personnel and obtaining goods necessary for efficient construction, maintenance or operation of the facility
- authorize contracts and agreements with any person, corporation or municipality to supply services or goods necessary for the efficient construction, maintenance or operation of the facility, and
- operation within the annual capital and operating budgets as approved by both municipalities.
Barrhead Regional Water Commission
Members of Council
Serving this Commission: Reeve Doug Drozd
Councillor Ron Kleinfeldt |
Directors at Large:
Ivan Kusal
Gerry St. Pierre |
Community Futures Yellowhead East
- development of a Strategic Plan and for ensuring appropriateness over time.
- setting policy on all aspects of community economic development work.
- overseeing the management of loan funds, setting policies and procedures, and developing the goals of the organization.
- striking a subcommittee to act as The Investment Committee to assess and administer the investment fund allocations.
Economic & Community Development Committee
- Review and discuss topics relating to the promotion of economic well-being in the County.
- Review and make recommendations to the County Council on policies and programs affecting economic development in the County.
- Prepare and maintain an Economic Development plan for the County.
- Make recommendations to Council regarding programs and projects which would benefit the County.
- Work together with both Council and staff to actively promote the County within the County and to neighbouring municipalities.
Members of Council
Serving this Committee:
Deputy Reeve Marvin Schatz
Councillor Ron Kleinfeldt
Councillor Walter Preugschas
Members at Large:
Colleen Stein
Tyson Bergsma |
Emergency Management Committee
Intermunicipal Collaboration Framework (ICF)
Reeve Doug Drozd and Councillor Ron KleinfeldtCouncillor Bill Lane
Reeve Doug Drozd, Councillor Paul Properzi, and Councillor Walter Preugschas
Reeve Doug Drozd, Councillor Bill Lane, and Councillor Walter Preugschas
Reeve Doug Drozd and Deputy Reeve Marvin Schatz
Councillor Paul Properzi and Councillor Ron Kleinfeldt
Library - Barrhead Library Board
Members of Council
Serving this Board:
Councillor Ron Kleinfeldt |
Members at Large:
Stephan Bablitz
Terri Flemmer
Margaret Krikke
Jane Kusal
Susan McLaren
Melissa Ouellette
David Rowe |