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The County of Barrhead has multiple projects currently underway.  To ensure transparent accountability and provide clear communication with residents, the County of Barrhead will update the following project dashboards regularly.  Check back often to keep up-to-date with all our major projects!

Land Use Bylaw Review:
Draft Land Use Bylaw - May 7, 2024
Project Overview
The Land Use Bylaw guides land use planning in the County.  At its core, this bylaw focuses on protecting agricultural & environmentally sensitive land, and preventing hazardous & incompatible land uses. 
Review of the Land Use Bylaw will ensure that guidance for land use in the County is kept up-to-date with the changing needs of the County of Barrhead residents, and will provide well-informed, transparent, & consistent direction for land use in the County of Barrhead.  
Inspect the Proposed Bylaw:
Residents are free to review the proposed Bylaw at the link below, or at the County of Barrhead office during regular business hours. For more information, contact Development Officer Jenny Bruns at 780-674-3331.
Previous Public Engagement 
A Land Use Bylaw review relies on solid public engagement.  Information gathered through open houses, public surveys, and other resident feedback will be used to inform Council's discussion & decisions regarding an updated Land Use Bylaw.
Throughout the review process, residents are encouraged to contact the Planning Department (780-674-3331) with any questions, concerns, or comments.  County also hosted a number of events for residents to provide feedback, including:
  • June 6, 2024: Public Hearing for the proposed Bylaw at Glenreagh Hall
  • March 18 & 19, 2024: evening appointments with Development Officer made available
  • February 16, 2024: open house to review DRAFT changes
  • May 19-July 10, 2023: public survey
  • May 3, 2023: initial information-gathering open house
How Does the Bylaw Get Passed?
  1. First Reading of the Bylaw: May 7, 2024
    • In general, 1st Reading is a test of whether Council wishes to consider an issue at all. It is not necessarily an indication of whether Council supports the bylaw.
    • There is no opportunity for public participation at 1st Reading.
    • 1st Reading must occur before the Bylaw is brought to a formal Public Hearing, where residents can provide formal, on-the-record statements regarding the bylaw.
  2. Public Hearing: June 6, 2024
    • Notice of the Public Hearing is given at least 2 weeks prior to the Hearing date.  Residents are notified via County WebsiteCounty FacebookMunicipal Alert, and Local Newspaper (Barrhead Leader).
    • Members of the public have the opportunity to speak at the public hearing. If unable to attend, written submissions will also be accepted prior to the Hearing date (must pre-register statements with the County).
    • More information on how to be involved in the Public Hearing is included in the Notice of Hearing.
  3. 2nd Reading of the Bylaw: July 2, 2024
    • Council reviews summary table from Public Hearing (available in July 2 Council Agenda Package), debates all issues, makes amendments, and votes again
    • This time, Council is voting on whether or not they support the Bylaw, with any amendments requested.
  4. 3rd Reading of the Bylaw: Date TBD
    • Council reviews final draft of bylaw with all amendments.  
    • Last chance for Council to debate, make amendments, and cast a final vote on the Bylaw.
If you have questions about how bylaws are passed or the legislative process around the Land Use Bylaw, read our "Passing a Bylaw" Info Sheet!