Community Recognition

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The County of Barrhead is proud of the many individuals who have received recognition for their contributions to our community!  

Farm Family Award
Paul Meunier & Sons Farms
Northern and Central Agricultural Service Boards select outstanding families who best represent values of the family farm within their rural community. This award honours both their farming business practices and community involvement. 

Today, Paul Meunier & Sons Farms is a mixed farm owned & operated by Chad & Stacey Meunier and their children, who are the 5th generation to farm their land near Mosside. The farm was originally started in 1900 as a mixed-use farm by Chad’s great - grandfather, and transitioned from a dairy to cattle operation in the 1990s. The operation now consists of a cow/calf herd, feedlot, and cropping enterprise.

Chad & Stacey aim to make the health of the land, animals and people a top priority, so they can keep the farm in operation for generations to come.

The Meunier Family was recognized for this achievement at the 2024 County Appreciation Dinner.

Alberta Century Farm Award
Mohrmann Family

Province of Alberta recognizes longstanding dedication to agriculture of farm families who have continuously owned & operated the same land for 100 years or more. 

Originally homesteaded by William & Gertrude Kilshaw, the Mohrmann family farm turned 114 in early April! William & Gertrude originally moved to Canada from England, and settled in Ontario in 1907. A few years later, they decided to make the journey to Alberta, and homesteaded near Bloomsbury. 

This homestead has been passed through the generations, and continues to stay in the family as a mixed farming operation. Today, William & Gertrude’s legacy lives on as Pat Mohrmann & family continue to take pride in their work on the farm.

The Mohrmann Family was recognized for this achievement at the 2024 County Appreciation Dinner.

County-Wide Food Drive
Leading up to Easter 2024, County of Barrhead held a County-wide food drive in support of the Barrhead Food Bank. From March 13-21, residents dropped off over 260 lbs of food donations for the Food Bank!
We thank the generosity of our residents, and the participation of local businesses as drop-off locations, including Neerlandia Co-op, Campsie Store, and Lac La Nonne General Store.  
As part of the food drive, County of Barrhead ran a donation incentive draw, where residents could enter for a chance to win a gift basket by making a food donation.  The winner of this draw was Janice & Peter Goertzen, who were presented with a gift basket of donations from local participating stores.

Klondike Park Educational Centre
Lac La Nonne Enhancement & Protection Association (LEPA) has been showcased by the Land Stewardship Centre for their work at the Klondike Park Educational Centre. 
Local community groups and conservation organizations came together to plant native species around the park, improve educational signage, and promote conservation in the community. 

Queen's Platinum Jubilee Medal
The Queen Elizabeth II Platinum Jubilee Medal recognizes significant contributions of Albertans.  The Medal program is part of the Platinum Jubilee year celebrations organized by the Government of Alberta.  Many Albertans have been nominated for their significant contribution to their province.
Marilyn Flock
Marilyn Flock has received the Queen's Jubilee Medal in recognition of her impact on conservation programs & education, the agricultural industry, local producers, and her community.  Marilyn is known as a leader in Alberta's agricultural community, evident through her tenure as municipal Agricultural Fieldman, her commitment to environmental sustainability & conservation programs, and her passion for achieving results through urban, rural, and community collaboration.  Over the years, Marilyn has led many conservation groups & projects, such as Barrhead's Community Garden, the Partners in Conservation program, West Central Conservation Group, and Water's Edge Resource Group.  Marilyn has also shown her passion for conservation education, through her development of youth programming events like Pond Days and City Slickers, which engaged & educated youth on agriculture, farm safety, and environmental conservation.  Marilyn Flock was presented her medal by Reeve Doug Drozd at a ceremony during the February 7, 2023 meeting of Council.
Jan Aarsen
County of Barrhead resident Jan Aarsen has received this medal, in recognition of his life of service that inspires leadership and volunteerism in his northern Albertan community.  Jan has been known throughout the community for volunteering with construction and restoration of many historical replica buildings, his entrepreneurial vision for connecting businesses and people, and volunteering on many boards, committees, and community groups.  Jan Aarsen was presented his medal by MLA Glenn van Dijken at a ceremony during the January 16, 2023 meeting of Council.
Rural Beautification Awards
The Agriculture Service Board recognizes County of Barrhead residents that show pride in their property by maintaining their farms, yard sites, and right-of-ways to display the beauty of our municipality.  To be eligible for an award, residents must be nominated by a member of the public, ASB, or Council.
Award Winners: 
Click on the property owners above to view their beautiful locations!
Alberta Agriculture Hall of Fame
George Visser
County of Barrhead resident George Visser has been inducted into the Alberta Agriculture Hall of Fame, for his leadership in building Alberta's pork industry and advocating for value-added agriculture and rural economic development.  

"With a strong commitment to the farming community and a keen interest in modern, up-to-date farming practices, George Visser has been a leader in the agricultural community since the 1970s. Visser could see that specializing in commodities would be important and led the way by setting up a 130-sow farrow-to-finish operation and a 5,000 laying hen operation on his farm. Others followed suit and, during the 1980s, the Neerlandia region became one of the most concentrated hog production areas in Alberta. Visser was instrumental in giving producers in Alberta a unified voice during his tenure on the Alberta Agriculture Products Marketing Council."
- Alberta Agriculture Hall of Fame

RhPAP Rhapsody Physician Award
Dr. Kent Bernes
Rural health care providers are powerful assets in their communities. Not only do their health-care skills and practices enhance their community’s quality of life, but these professionals also contribute to rural life on a more personal level. They have special relationships with their patients and community as family, friends, neighbours, volunteers, teachers, and mentors.

For three decades, the Rural Health Professions Action Plan (RhPAP) has supported the efforts of rural Albertans to maintain an accessible and local healthcare workforce.  Long-time Barrhead physician Dr. Bernes has recently received the 2021 RhPAP Rhapsody Physician Award, which recognizes the contributions of outstanding rural physicians.  Read more about Dr. Bernes and his award here!