Growth Alberta

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GROWTH Alberta is a Regional Economic Development Alliance (REDA) serving a region of more than 30,000 people in North Central Alberta. The Alliance was established by the Grizzly Regional Economic Alliance Society so that Municipalities and Support Agencies could work collectively to address regional economic development issues. Through projects such as the Economic Indicators Packages, Tourism Development and Broadband Preparedness Projects, GROWTH Alberta is continually striving to support sustainable regional growth.

To Contact GROWTH Alberta:

Phone:  780-786-2416
Fax:       780-674-2777
Web: is your source for planning an adventure in WILD Alberta, our tourism region in North Central Alberta! 

GROWTH Alberta has committed a significant part of the budget to this tourism project for our region. The alliance conducted research and solicited local feedback on the design of a regional tourism brand, and a website to help visitors plan trips to the region. GROWTH Alberta formally accepted this 'WILD Alberta' brand as the tourism identity for the region.
The brand is a way for tourists to easily identify our region as a destination that promises:
  • to personally welcome you
  • to share our outdoor adventures
  • join us for a front row experience, and
  • a genuine connection to nature
GROWTH Alberta's Tourism Committee is focused on creating awareness for the brand within the region and implementing a marketing plan designed to attract tourists from the greater Edmonton area.  The goal  is to create significant awareness for WILD Alberta amongst these travelers and bring them here to enjoy themselves.