Grader Flags (Blading & Snowplow)
County of Barrhead offers residents an opt-in grader service to clear driveways of snow in the winter, or blade in the summer. Purchasing snowplow flags in advance ensures that you are prepared for snowfall events.
To receive this service, residents must complete a Hold Harmless Agreement and pre-pay for each service. The current grader flag fee is:
$35.00 per 15 minutes of work
Please note that grader operators cannot enter a property without a signed hold harmless & clearly visible grader flag. Keep in mind that municipal roads take priority.

Seasonal Dust Control
Each spring, the County of Barrhead offers dust control (MG30) to residents at a subsidized rate.
Applications for 2023 dust control are now closed. Applications for next summer will be accepted in spring 2024. Dust control applications are subject to the following fee:
$1.50 per lineal foot plus GST
Minimum application: 400 lineal feet
Maximum application: 1,000 lineal feet
Please note that the County reserves the right to maintain all sections of road as required, including sections with dust control.
Gravel Aggregate Sales
County of Barrhead sells pitrun, sand, and crushed gravel to ratepayers for personal use. Aggregate materials must be used exclusively for domestic purposes, and stockpiling or resale of materials is prohibited.
Ratepayers can purchase a maximum of 60 yards of crushed 7/8" or 1 1/2" gravel per year. Gravel sales are open from May to October.
To order gravel, contact Public Works at 780-674-2619.